Let’s face it, going outside in the winter is rarely an exciting prospect unless you’re making a snow angel. Some of you may already be reaping the benefits of commuting by cycling. Here are some thoughts to keep you going during the bleakest months.
No one is sneezing on the back of your neck
Unless you’re driving to work, the chances are you need to use public transport. Travelling en mass is great and relieves some of the strain on your local transport network. But it does also mean personal space can be compromised. The truth is being sneezed on at close proximity is no one’s idea of a pleasant experience and (stereotyping alert), since Brits are so polite, it’s a commuter crime that seldom gets reprimanded. The solution’s simple: get out there on your bike and enjoy the fresh air and personal space.
Arrive warmed up and pumped up
You’ll stand out from your colleagues when you arrive warmed up and ready to start working while everyone else is queueing up for a coffee and waiting for the caffeine to kick in. Ok, may be you will have cold hands and feet but if you’ve worn the appropriate clothing, it shouldn’t be too bad and the body will very quickly take care of them once you’re indoors.
It’s impressive
Don’t be the person to arrive half drenched, shaking the water off your umbrella on your way in and moaning about the rain. Instead, occupy the moral high ground and arrive on your bike, energised and enjoying a discreet boast about how you just braved the elements. Some external motivation is always helpful to keep you going when the weather really gets grim.
You will toughen up
If you continually cycle in the winter then everything you do outdoors will eventually start to feel easier. Be sensible about clothing though; we aren’t recommending braving the cold in a t-shirt and shorts.
There’s no need to change those summer routines
Why change your travel routine when you can just carry on cycling to work all year round? There’s a risk of withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop; you may experience phantom cycling on your chair or signalling while walking to the store room. Jokes aside, combining physical activity with travel is how most people keep active in their busy lives so keep calm and carry on.
Catch the sunrise
Make your morning a magical one. Catch the sunrise on a clear winter’s morning and give yourself a moment to simply enjoy being alive. Set off early enough to factor in a breakfast break somewhere with a great view. London Bridge is a superb spot to stop and admire the sun rising over Tower Bridge. It’s the perfect moment to ponder that novel you haven’t yet written or that dream bike you’re going to build one day…
Tune in to next week’s blog for things to consider to make your winter cycling commute safer and more enjoyable. Have you got any other inspirations you draw from for your winter cycling commutes? Let us know in the comments section.
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